Hi, my name is Mark Morgan.Photo of Mark Morgan


DjangoModelling.com is a project that sprang from my interest in data modelling over many years.  Of course, when I was first interested in the subject, I didn’t know that it had a name, I just knew that getting things organised can be fun.

DjangoModelling.com is developing email courses on data modelling.  If you like the newsletter, you are sure to enjoy the email courses.



Every week, I write a newsletter about things that interest me in the field of data modelling.  The series began with an introduction to data modelling as I understand it from more than 20 years of working with engineering software.  Blog posts based on all these newsletters are available in the newsletter category of the  DjangoModelling.com blog.  If you like them, why not sign up for the newsletter where you will hear it all first?


Other interests

As you will notice if you read the newsletter or blog, DjangoModelling.com is not my only area of interest.  The Bible has always fascinated me and sparked my imagination.  I write a weekly newsletter devoted to Bible-based fiction, available at Bible Tales Online, and the Terror on Every Side! series based on the life of the Biblical prophet Jeremiah.

My original professional training was as a mechanical engineer, and in that phase of my life, I worked for Melbourne Water in construction, design and maintenance.  I am always interested in how things work.  From this work sprang another project of mine: WaterSums – software for modelling and analysing water supply networks.

An emerging area of development for me is MediFaraway.  Coming soon.