Modelling principles

A single point of contact (#32)

By |2018-10-22T18:20:48+11:00April 18th, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

The last post concluded by considering the need to get input from different interest groups when designing systems for existing or new applications.  When we have a data modelling assignment, we often discuss requirements with a limited set of contacts within the client company.  Data modelling is considered a little too arcane for most people, [...]

Modelling new processes (#30)

By |2017-03-31T16:05:31+11:00March 23rd, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

Introduction Once again, let’s acknowledge that modelling new processes is a much more risky business than modelling an existing process.  Why, you may ask?  The fundamental reason is our human desire to gild the lily.  When a building, bridge, vehicle or other physical object is being designed, we have the same tendencies – the first [...]

Good and bad modelling (#12)

By |2018-04-09T17:22:48+10:00October 21st, 2016|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

We have now looked at the background of data modelling and where it all began. Clay tablets, lists, books and now databases. But behind all of these is the need to model the data in a way that makes it easy to use. In this way, data modelling is both a simple and complex area [...]

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